Sabtu, 21 November 2009

Galileo Galilei

   Galileo Galilei born in Pisa, Italy on February 15, 1564 from the couple and Guilia Ammannati Vincenzo Galilei. He was the first child of seven siblings. His father was a musician and scientist who came from noble families.
   Galileo's childhood was spent studying at home under the guidance of his father. Recently when he was 11 years old he was sent to the Benedictine Monastery of Santa Maria di Vallombrosa, a special school for the children of the nobility. There, Galileo learned about many things, including Latin, Greek, religion and music. Since Galileo's childhood is a person who does not easily accept the fact without proof.
Then his father sent Galileo to the University of Pisa to study medicine, but he turned out more like mathematics and physics. Galileo was interested in the theory proposed by Aristotle, that objects are weighed differently if imposed from above, speed down the fall will be different as well. While Galileo assumed that rain down hailstones will fall to the ground at the same time regardless of the weight difference of the hailstones. Galileo then experiment with dropping the ball from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The experimental results into a new theory in physics.
Year 1589, at the age of the twenty-five, Galileo was appointed professor of mathematics at the University of Pisa. In those days a lot of new discoveries in astronomy, physics, mathematics and science continue to be extracted by optical Galileo. Galileo's work and then expanded to the discovery of Geometrical and military compass. He also made thermoscope, tripod microscope, telescope.
Galileo telescope is the ultimate discovery. By using the telescope in astronomical observations, he discovered moons jupiter and venus forms. He immediately understood that the forms of Venus is caused by the sun that illuminates the orbiting planet. This is proof that the earth is not the center of the universe. Through Galileo's telescope to observe and describe all forms of the moon, Milky Way, clusters of stars and the phenomena which confirms that not only the earth in this universe. Contrary to the Ptolemaic system, Galileo made a hypothesis that the Earth is one of the many members of the solar system.
He hid his findings that may be deemed "dangerous" by the relevant authorities in the form of words in the language game. In 1611 Galileo went to Rome to discuss his findings about the sun and its position in the universe with religious leaders. Church Council can not accept the view that is based on Galileo's heliocentric theory (of the sun as the center of the circulation of the solar system) of the Copernican doctrine as contrary to the established church. Galileo is considered against the Church and sentenced to house arrest. He was exiled to Siena until his health declined even further impaired vision. Finally, he breathed his last in Arcetri, Italy on January 8, 1642.

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