Sabtu, 21 November 2009

Fingers and teeth Galileo Galilei Discovered Back

As many as two knuckles and a tooth, the first taken from the corpse of Galileo Galilei in Florence's Basilica in the 18th century and was declared missing, now recovered and will soon be on display. Said an Italian museum director, Friday.
Three fingers, one chamber of the spine, and a tooth taken from the corpse, the astronomer by a number of fans in the year 1737, at 95 years after his death. At that time, his remains were moved from storage to the tomb monument across from the tomb of Michelangelo in the Basilica of Santa Croce, Florence.
Knuckles found one shortly after the incident and is now part of the collection of the Museum of Science History in Florence. Vertebrae are also found stored at the University of Padua. First, Galileo taught for years in that place.
However, teeth and two fingers of the hand of the scientist's right-thumb and middle finger-is saved by a lover, an Italian marquis, and then stored in a container that passed from generation to generation within the family. It is said Paolo Galluzzi, Director of the Museum of History of Science.
"But over time, the family's future generations forget the actual contents of the container," according to Galluzzi and explained that they then sell. In 1905, relics that have disappeared do not leave tracks, "so that the experts theorize that the relics had been lost forever," was the official statement of the museum.
However, containers that have recently appeared in a auction and purchased by a private collector interested in the contents of the container though not sure that it really contains the relics of Galileo.
The buyer finally contacted Galluzzi and culture officials other Florence. They refer to historical documents in detail, and also documents from the family which had been a container. Then concluded that the fingers and teeth were indeed owned by Galileo. Said Museum Director.
All the relics were kept in glass-blown vases of the 18th century, which is also stored in a wooden box inlaid with mother-figure statue of Galileo heads.
Galileo, who died in the year 1642 had been condemned by the Vatican because it states that the Earth revolved around the sun. Church teachings when it believes that the Earth was the center of the universe. In the early 1990s, Pope John Paul II to rehabilitate the name of Galileo, and acknowledge the mistakes of the church. 
  Florence Science History Museum will be showing off his fingers and teeth are coming in the spring.   

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