Rabu, 11 November 2009

Meaning of friendship

What does it mean for you friend? How important they are for our lives? And how do we maintain a friendship?
One day nobody ever told me about a story in the days of Prophet 'alayhi wasallam. I forgot my editor and forgot to focus the story on Prophet 'alayhi wasallam, or at one of his companions (please if anyone knows more alert). It is told that he is very glorifying one's friends and treat them in such a way so as to appear for each of their respective companions is the most special.Yes ^ _ ^ cool.
Four years ago, several months after graduation, in the month of September, one a friend sent me a card once advised me "Do not ever forget your friend, because at one point she could be wrong but at other times he has also been doing good" (thx ya bu, 'ee may have forgotten, but always kept his cards, let alone that your advice ^ _ ^) Pun me a peek at another time a friend's blog, he said there are a few sms that never abolished. One is the sms reads: "What news is Faith? Hope is always moving forward. What Hearts news? hopefully always be clear of gray.How are you Love? hopefully always longing perspire. " Sms It also never erased, advising each other's cool because

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