Rabu, 11 November 2009


What we have experienced for the sake of friends sometimes exhausting and annoying, but that's what makes friendship have a wonderful value.
Friendship often presents some trials, but true friendship can overcome the temptations that even therefore grow together ...
Friendship is not created automatically but requires a long process, such as iron menajamkanbesi, so a friend sharpens his friend. Friendship stained with various experiences joy and sorrow, comfort-hurt, note-disillusioned, heard-negligible, assisted-rejected, but these have never intentionally done with the aim kebencian.Seorang friends will not hide faults to avoid disputes, precisely because of his love he ventured to rebuke what it is. Companions never wrap a blow with a kiss, but state what is very painful with the aim of his friends want to change. The process becomes a friend of a friend takes effort maintenance of fidelity, but not when we need help then we have the motivation looking for attention, help and love A statement from others, but instead he gives beriinisiatif and realizing what is needed by his friend. Longing is to become a part of life best friend, because there is no friendship that begins with self-important attitude. Everyone is going to need a real friend, but not everyone got it. Many people are already enjoying the beauty of friendship, yet There also are so devastated by his best friend betrayed.
Some things often become destroyers friendship among others: 1. Business problems Constitution (the edges Money) 2. not open 3. Discredit 4. Changes in feelings between the opposite sex 5. Infidelity. But the destroyer has been successfully broken friendship by the friends who stood the test of authenticity motivations. This I give an illustration of the importance of a friendship, it is up to comment anything about the following illustration

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